An interviewer once asked St Teresa of Calcutta, “Why did God permit pain”? Mother Teresa answered “To give us the opportunity to share in the Passion of Christ… as Jesus went through all His Passion, for love of us… and
The Mystery Of Christ’s Redemption
When we sin against God, we incur an infinite debt. It is infinite because our offense is committed against an infinite being, God. Man, who is finite, cannot pay an infinite debt, yet it is man who owes that debt
The Law of Transformation
In creation, there is a law of transformation, in which what exists in a lower order, dies to itself so that it may be raised to a higher order of life. We see this in nature. Within the earth’s soil,
The Act of Prayer
Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and heart to God. Prayer is a dialogue. It is a meeting of personalities. The practice of prayer is one of the four acts of the virtue of religion and is the
The Sacramentals
Each time we enter a church, we bless ourselves with holy water. Holy water is a sacramental. It is one of the many we use in the practice of our Catholic faith. Sacramentals are visible signs used to give invisible