We all possess in a manner of speaking two lives, a life and a super life. One is the natural life of our flesh and blood. The other is the supernatural life of our immortal soul. In order for us to have life, we must be born to it. In order for us to have supernatural life, we must be born to it. This second birth begins when we receive the sanctifying grace given in the sacrament of baptism. Having been born into a share in God’s divine life, this life is to be nurtured so that it may grow into the fullness of that life of grace that God intends for us. To do this God has given us the seven sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick.
What is a sacrament? A sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace, instituted by Christ. Why are there seven sacraments? This may very well be because there are seven conditions under which we live out our lives. The first as we stated, is that we be born. In this we see a reflection of the sacrament of baptism. Second, this life must grow to maturity. In this we see reflected the sacrament of confirmation. Third, this life must be healed of sickness and injury, which is a reflection of the sacrament of Penance. Fourth it must be nourished with food, which is a reflection of the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. Fifth, there is the bearing and rearing of children, for which we have the sacrament of Matrimony. Sixth, we must be governed, for which we have the sacrament of Holy Orders. Seventh, we are all destined to die, for which we have the sacrament of Annointing of the Sick.
The spirit is the voice. The physical is the echo. God has created us and has conditioned that we work out our salvation in the physical order, but on a spiritual plane. Just as He provides for us in our physical needs, so He provides for us in our spiritual needs. We are in time, but we are made for eternity. Our permanent home is not this earth, but it is in Heaven. We are to live out our temporal lives here on earth, but with footing in Heaven. In that sense the life of Heaven is to be lived even now, long before we die. The means God has given to us to live out our present life on earth with footing in Heaven are the seven sacraments. They are the familial covenant signs God has given us and are the signs of our election and the promise of Heaven.