The word “Catechism” is derived from the Greek word “katecheo”, which means “to teach by word of mouth”, or “to echo”. It is a word used by the Church to describe the giving of religious instruction in the teachings of Jesus Christ. In catechisis, instruction is given to the intellect so as to inspire the will. That the will may be inspired from a selfish love of self, to a selfless love of God above all things and a selfless love of neighbor out of love for God. Catechisis springs from supernatural love. It is offered for the sake of the absolute highest good of the beloved. To help bring them into a closer union with God Himself.
It is through the practice of the selfless love of supernatural charity that we are able to impart the faith to others. It is to the degree that we practice our own faith that we may be effective in catechizing others. We must live what we teach. We must be what we live. We must be living Gospels. Others ought to be able to see in us the Spirit of Christ, in that when we love, it is Christ in us who loves. In this way we can be fruitful in spreading the kingdom of Christ on earth by allowing Him to act through us.
The act of teaching catechism is bound to the act of the making of the catechist. In living our faith fully, we become as we have said, living Gospels. So that by our mode of living, we may reflect Christ’s presence in the world. This is only possible through God’s divine grace. So that filled with that treasure of grace that God pours into us “clay pots”, us “earthenware”, we may from the abundance of God’s generosity to us, in turn generously bring to others the message of the Gospel shared in love, so that as Jesus said: “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)