“The Holy Rosary is made up of both body and soul” (St. Pope John Paul II). The body of the Rosary is the crucifix with the attached string of beads we hold in our hands to count the Our Father
The Face of Christ – An Encounter With Jesus
As of February, of 2024, it had been about six months since a distraught woman had wandered onto our ten-acre property. On that day I was working from home. The dogs sounded particularly agitated, so I went out to see
Angels – God’s Messengers
The title of an angel describes not so much what an angel is, but rather describes the office that an angel holds. The office that an angel holds is that of the office of messenger. God’s messenger. Angels are pure
Catechisis – The Teachings of Jesus Christ
The word “Catechism” is derived from the Greek word “katecheo”, which means “to teach by word of mouth”, or “to echo”. It is a word used by the Church to describe the giving of religious instruction in the teachings of
The Law of Worship, the Law of Faith
According to St. Thomas Aquinas, in his Summa Theologiae, “A thing is received according to the mode of the receiver”. This means that our interior disposition will determine to what degree we shall appreciate or value what is imparted to
Offering Your Intentions at Mass
The Mass, or liturgy, is the official public worship of the Catholic Church, offered to God the Father by both the head and body of the Church. It is offered by the head of the Mystical Body, Jesus, vicariously through
Contrition and God’s Mercy
Contrition is sorrow for having offended God through sin. There are two types of contrition, perfect contrition and imperfect contrition. When we have perfect contrition, our sorrow for sin is out of the love for God, who is all good
The Virtue of Mortification
Jesus said to his disciples: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” (Matt 16:24). These words of Christ tell us that in order for us to live
The Seven Sacraments
We all possess in a manner of speaking two lives, a life and a super life. One is the natural life of our flesh and blood. The other is the supernatural life of our immortal soul. In order for us
The Fire of God’s Love
Of the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, it is Charity that the saved will possess for all eternity. “Charity never falleth away…” (Cor 13:8). Of these virtues it is charity that is the greatest. “And now there remain