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What makes a thing good? A thing is good when it obtains the purpose for which it was made. A pencil is good when it can be used to write. In doing so, it obtains the purpose for which it was made. What makes a thing bad? A thing is bad when there is an excess or a defect of something which is good. A pencil is good when it can be used to write. Is it a good can opener? It is not. It would not be able to open a can, and it would likely be destroyed. It would not obtain the purpose for which it was made.

What makes a life good? A life is good when it obtains the purpose for which it is made. What is the purpose of man’s existence? God made us to show forth His goodness and to share with us His everlasting happiness in heaven. How do we fulfill this purpose? To gain the happiness of heaven we must know, love and serve God in this world. The purpose of this life is to prepare for the next life, the life of heaven. Everything in our life that is directed toward that end is good. Anything contrary to that end is bad.

Servant of God, Fulton Sheen, would often refer to our life here on earth as “the sacristy of heaven”. A sacristy is a room in a church where sacred vestments and sacred vessels are reserved for the purpose of being used for Holy Mass. Their purpose is to give God glory, nothing else. Likewise, this world of ours is a place where our purpose is to give service, honor, worship and glory to God in this world, until that time that we are called to join fully into the heavenly liturgy in God’s eternal presence in the next world, heaven.

The Purpose of Man’s Existence

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